Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thurs. Jan. 30th, 2014


I will be out of the building most of the day but will return 6th period.

That means 2nd and 4th period will have to work on this practice assignment independently.

4th Period please note, I graded your assignments from yesterday and we will review them tomorrow.

For your assignment, check your email.

1) Download the file
2) Open the document in Pages
3) Save as "Feature Practice (with your initials )" ex. FeaturePracticeKB
4) Do the assignment
5) Email me your completed assignment as an attached file

Thursday, January 16, 2014


In quarter 3, we will start talking and writing feature articles.  To learn the difference in style from hard news articles, I want everyone to read these articles and be prepared to share and discuss what you've read.

We will dialog, not to summarize, but to analyze the tone, mood, and message of each article.

You can read with a partner, by yourself, or with support from the computer's audible feature but you must be reading.

PICK 5 to read

1. Martin Luther King Thing
2.  US schools with bad names
3. Tyreese gets teary-eyed
4. Janelle Monee on Sesame Street 
5. Vanity ain't fair
6. Skin tone equals smart?
7. Weed in D.C.
8. Yeezianity insanity 
9. Jonathan Ferrell sparks dialogue 
10. Rapper Nas teaches at Harvard